Friday, June 6, 2008

Going home!

okay, so after 10 days in egypt and not able to eat fresh fruit and vegetables, we were pretty ready to come home. We left super early in the morning from cairo and went straight to the border. I slept pretty good. I can never sleep on busses but I was so exhausted and so even at the stops I could barely get up! it was ridiculous!  But it felt amazing to sleep well. At one place we stopped for lunch and there were camels that people were feeding and taking pictures with. We finally got to the border and it took us about two and a half hours to get through. Once on the other side we went to Eilat and went snorkeling. It was SO much fun. I drank enough salt water to last I don't know how long. It was so cool, because we went out to this rock and we would dive down and  look at all these beautiful bright fish and cool color corals. It was pretty much the coolest thing I've ever done in water. After Eilat we headed straight for the Jerusalem Center and arrived that night around 10pm. they had dinner ready for us, but who wanted to eat chikin and rice when we were only hungry for fruit. I think I ate a pound of watermelon. It was DELICIOSO! anyway. We slept and then got up and  had class and life continued as we know it. Homework, tests and more homework. Its been great.  So, there's a belated update about our last day in Egypt. 

1 comment:

Mark and Cyndy Weiss said...

I felt your hunger for fruit and sleep.
