Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's day eve....and we are off to Egypt

Happy Mother's day eve, we had church today and had a Mother's day themed sacrament meeting. A week ago I dropped my name tag down a drain that is in front of my room. The following day the branch president came up to me and told me he had found my name tag and that there was a price if I wanted it back. The price was to speak in sacrament meeting. I decided that was a worthy payment so I said that I would speak. I referred to the talk that Sister Beck gave in the October General Conference and related stories from the Old Testament of mothers to shared the attributes that Sister beck talked about. The stories that I shared had an even greater meaning because I have been to many of the places that they took place. I talked about the faith of Sarah and the birth of Isaac, the nurturing of Hannah the mother of Samuel, the leadership of Deborah, and the teachings of the mothers of the men of the army of Helaman (that is not from the Bible, I know, but I just had to share it.). I also shared how grateful I am for my mother who knows the Lord. It was a wonderful experience and then I called my family and packed and got ready for the next week. We most likely not be blogging and probably will not have access to the internet for the next week as we will be in Egypt! But next Sunday be prepared for a couple of great blogs! I am planning on "walking like and Egyptian" while I am there, if you were wondering. We will be going to Cairo and Luxor and seeing many sights from the Old Testament and the times of the Pharaohs. I am so excited! As I am traveling my thoughts will also be with my older brother Spencer who is graduating from the Willamette Law School tomorrow. I wish I could be there for his graduation, as a tribute to him I will be wearing my Willamette t-shirt tomorrow. Congrats Spencer, way to go!
Below is a picture of me at the Tower of David Museum over looking the old city, this was taken a yesterday.


Jessie said...

Mitchell it sounds like you are having so much fun and so many good experiences. I miss you!! Have fun in Egypt :)

Ashlee said...

Good job on the talk Mitchell! Have fun in Egypt and I hope you you walk extra like an Egyptian for me. Peace.

alison said...

so is your branch president a ninja turtle? Just wondering, since you said he found your name tag down a drain.