Well while Jenn and Deb had a quick layover in Vienna I had an 11 hour layover. At first I was so excited to go and explore the city and the forty of us that had to wait left the airport and with
maps in our hands we went to explore. The group of 12 people that I went with decided to take a train into the city center of Vienna and then walk around.We saw some amazing cathedrals and pretended to be part of the statues sc
enes. As you can tell I am pretending to be Beethoven and the girls are pretending to be children learning. After about 4 hours of walking and going on about 4 hours of sleep over the last 2 days I was ready for sleep. We went to a palace and walked up to the top and viewed an amazing garden and I fell asleep. We had to run to the train station and then figure out what train led us to the airport. Well, after much confusion we finally got back to t
he airport and now we are boarding. It is incredible to think that I will be going to the Holy Land. I feel it is such an amazing blessing and amazing that I am going with two cousins. I feel tremendously blessed.
(while in Vienna we got some ice cream! Yumm!!!)