Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"In the last days, perilous times shall come..."

So here I am on the eve of the last day of finals...and I'm going crazy. I can't wait for these last two tests to be done. Despite my best efforts to get things done early, this semester will be yet another mad dash to the finish. But the great thing about time is that it moves on, whether you are ready for it or not. That is a frightening and yet somehow comforting thought.

All day today I have been thinking, "a week from right now, I'll be on a plane" or "I'll be in Chicago" or "I'll be in a plane" or "I'll be in Vienna!" Pretty fun way to distract oneself from studying but I can't help it! Time is going so fast and in just a week, I will be on my way to the Holy Land! This dream seems almost surreal. I remember writing my application essay. I talked about the Jewish ancestry in my family and growing up learning about the Jewish traditions from an amazing mother who recognized the importance of knowing your roots. Now I am going to be going there and learning first hand about these people and my Savior Jesus Christ. Words cannot describe the excitement and gratitude in my heart right now.

So, I need to go to bed and get ready for this last day of finals. I'm excited to share this adventure with Deb, Mitchell and any of you faithful followers! I hope it will prove to be both informational and testimony building. That is what I am looking forward to the most!
Next post in the Holy Land! Next time in Jerusalem! (they say that at the end of Passover)

1 comment:

Ryan and Melissa said...

Deborah! I can't believe you're already gone! This is Melissa Mikesell, by the way. I just wanted to let you know Celeste Emma Mikesell was born April 28, 2008 at 4:20 pm. She weighed 2 pounds 13 ounces. Everyone is doing great. You can see pictures and read more on my blogspot if you wish. Hopefully you have access to a computer to get this and to see pictures! Hope all is going well. Love ya babe!